為了進(jìn)一步闡明定坤丹的藥效作用機制,海軍軍醫大學(xué)張衛東教授團隊開(kāi)展了系列針對性研究,并先后在Biomedical Chromatography雜志發(fā)表題為“Systematic characterization of the chemical constituents in vitro and prototypes in vivo of Dingkun Dan by UPLC-Q-TOF/MSE combined with the UNIFITM software”和“In vivo and in vitro metabolism study of traditional Chinese medicine formula Dingkun Dan in rats by using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry”的兩篇研究論文,揭示了定坤丹的藥效物質(zhì)基礎。